
Сообщения за декабрь, 2017

The results of the campaign "keep your eyes in his youth"

Dear habradi! We would like to take stock of your stocks "Keep your eyes in his youth," but because not all the orders were processed, we need your assistance (see below). You also asked for statistics on the action — here it is. While this action was successfully processed 3 837 applications for getting free books in the amount of 1 142 887 rubles; the average cost of books made 491.83 of the ruble. The delivery of these books without cost, which required for the issuance of books for Muscovites (about 5 000), cost the Nigma 216 069 rubles — an average of 56.31 rubles for the book. Thus, the average cost of books with shipping amounted to 549.44 rubles. The most popular order books were: the Author Name Orders the S. McConnell code complete. A practical guide to software development 314 the evi Nemeth, etc. administrator Guide Linux, 2nd edition 184 the Thomas H. Cormen etc. Algorit...

Freelance vs. business

Freelancing as a mass phenomenon appeared recently, I think not more than 10 years ago, along with the global dissemination and socialization of the Internet, and today this business model is still very poorly understood, today's freelancers are in fact the pioneers of learning a new way of life directly into it. I went to my solitary voyage in the ocean of the global economy about 5 years ago, but safe fishing in the coastal zone quickly got bored, I was always attracted by the open ocean, where the distance sailed huge ships global corporations and fast yachts startups. For those who, like me, are not satisfied with the simple selling of their time on the open market, I will describe my way, which seems to me the most direct and obvious course for the evolution of the freelancer. The first year or two you enthusiastically work in a new, more relaxed atmosphere, gradually acquiring the skills of a Manager who has the resources until only one artist — himself, and ...

The proposal to merge all observers

Hello world! I hope, for anybody not a secret that we have a March 4 presidential elections. If you've forgotten, I'll remind you. / > We prepared for this moment and launched a system to monitor the situation in the elections in real time. the System consists of two parts: 1. The website — let's call it a platform for a focal point. Now it's running at demo.digitalsoftware.ru . The data come from observers (with mobile apps). 2. Mobile app — what is the observer and, respectively, and is the source of data for the information system. The website collects statistics from observers in real time displays the data at any level of the hierarchy — from the Precinct election commissions (the lowest level) to Russia (upper level), allows you to send messages to observers (as the specific PEC and all Russia/districts/areas/regions/cities depending on the current level of the hierarchy, where there is a coordinator on the website). mobile apps...

Develop iOS application in flash

Probably many have heard about the project Adobe Air is a very good initiative from Adobe to make the application on the flash could be compiled with and run on any platform — desktop, iOS, Android, TVs,... For a long time anything sensible on air e could be done. But lately the technology is gaining momentum, Adobe has made a number of optimizations in code a air and now it is possible to write on it is very smart app. In this article I will talk about our experience developing air applications for iOS. How we got to this?... At the moment the main project (social game) our little startup company of several people — after a year of development frozen at the final stage at the time of finding investors. So not to sit idle until the search/negotiations — it occurred to us to do something not very labor-intensive, and if it will be able to earn something — so all gorgeous. Because neither the unity, nor with xcode none of us is familiar, but with flisom we on "you...

International Space Apps Challenge, 21-22 april 2012

April 21-22, 2012 will host the international contest of applications of space and space — the International Space Apps Challenge, spaceappschallenge.org the competition will be held in the format of the Hackathon on day 2 when participants around the world will solve the proposed tasks. The main organizer and sponsor of the contest — NASA, the competition is held in the framework of the voluntary commitments of the US at the Open Government Partnership. The contest is quite popular in the USA format is to first collect all requests and then merge command to resolve them. And now they gather ideas spaceappschallenge.org/submit on 4 themes — Software, Open Hardware, Citizen Science and Data Visualization. All topics already have a task plus you can submit your. And all submitted topics can be found here spaceappschallenge.org/challenges And the competition will be held in the following locations: — USA, San Francisco — Dominican Republic, Santo Doming...

Nigma learned how to draw graphics

Not all chemists a beautiful formula to draw, it's a holiday and mathematicians. Now Nigma draws beautiful graphs, and even conducts their study . In the study of functions Nigma the finds the area of allowable values. the finds the intersection with the axes of abscissa and ordinate; the check function for even/odd; the checks for the frequency and finds the company; the finds the limits at discontinuity points of the function limits from the left and right to the point, the behavior of a function at infinity and inclined asymptotes of a function; the calculates the derivative, roots of the derivative, intervals of increasing/decreasing functions; the find the global maximum/minimum of a function; the builds the schedule; Significant difference from their Western counterparts is the fact that Nigma graphs based on the data obtained in the study of functions. In this case, the graphs show possible break points and asymptotes. Compare, for exa...

NoName Podcast S04E05

Instead of joining Podcast was released late because we were waiting for when I get a microphone. At the time of writing it did not give, so I hear is not very good, the conclusions made, their mistakes will not be repeated. Mysteriously disappeared with Habra "podcast", so listen to us on rpod-e . news Released Rails 3.0.12 , 3.1.4 , 3.2.2 Comrade Constantine, About time and about himself . By the way, referred in an interview to the book "Sinatra: Up and Running" is also very personal. Can be recommended as an academic guide for those wishing to understand how to prepare for ruby web(and so on)-middleware and all that. Deploy in Heroku March 4 has been updated on Github, associated massive vulnerabilities at this website March 6 came Vagrant version 1.0 March 7 came out Bundler 1.1 Lightrail — easiest rails stack for json applications Ruby 2.0 Enumerable::Lazy Except.io — a service similar to airbrake.io Discussion full tex...

The peace botnet

Modern search engines are able to organize huge amounts of information, allowing you to quickly find materials on any topic. But when it comes to finding products at online shops or vacancies in the databases of recruitment agencies, or suggestions of cars on the sites of car dealerships, in General the search any cataloged information in Internet about self-reliance search engines can not speak, because to meet such requests, in most cases, they require sites of discharge ( Datа Feed ) of their catalogs in a special format. Automatic extraction of facts from the directories that do not have semantic markup is a difficult task, but still it is a lot easier task of extracting facts from unstructured arbitrary text. Technology We have developed the technology to create a full folder-based search engines that do not require submission of data in any formalized way, but with a few unusual search robot is able to extract information from arbitrarily-structured web directories, c...

Web Evolution (Part 1: Interface)

the Future is not bad and not good, it is the same as we After reading some articles on Habre to the theme of "the future..." WEB 3.0 , the Next step of the world wide web (part 1) , the Future of social networking , the Golden age of Silicon valley is over and we're dancing on her grave , and also — related to the topic of copyright the geeks, industry, mass art, and how copyright killed classical music , Startup Unglue.it frees the book from the copyright via crowdfunding , decided to provide habersaathstr a series of articles about Web 3.0. In these articles I will try as much detail as possible to outline his vision for quick the future of the Internet. Why I decided to write about the future? Because I think that thoughts gleaned from reading I have gathered into a single coherent concept, augmented by personal considerations, will be useful also to others, especially those who want to go in the future, to conquer IT-the market, not to deal with the fact th...

"Aliketo" — looking for similar things, and even sometimes, but only in English

Hello, Habr! / > Blog "I'm mad" for some reason was renamed the "Subconscious", so I will write here. Once I couldn't remember the name of the movie, but I did remember the names of a couple others that were like him. Had the idea to register on any recommendation kinoservice, then, to put known to me a couple of movies of the highest possible score. Well, then, rely on the fact that the service will recommend similar movies and among them will be the one whose name I forgot. To register with such service, I became lazy because all I really needed was just to specify a couple of movie titles and get a list of similar. No registration-assessment-recommendation is not needed. Thus was born the idea to do the service for a couple of lines of text could determine the identity of these lines to any lot and to show this set to the user. Of course, the main problem is where to get data sets, the answer is to get them from the users themselve...

PhotoSlider is a GPL utility for analysis of debris photos

Purpose PhotoSlider' I read several photo blogs that sometimes it skips the "photo paki/session/interview". Plus friends have their photo gigabytes. As soon as the photo is typed in quite a lot (10-20 thousand) I look through them leaving himself on wallpaper's elected 0.001% of them. Cameras all better photos weigh more, can not affect the speed of their download. There was a problem with the way it all effectively to clean up. Almost all of the photos after a single view removed, a small number of favorite move daddy for wallpaper's. Originally used either Picasa or FSViewer. But both for some reason were not satisfied. the the Picasa doesn't want to show the photo in full screen, you cannot delete a one-button (for each photo asks for confirmation), switch to the next photo rather slow (in the case of viewing ~24 MP photos on the laptop very unpleasant); FSViewer is also great speed did not differ with distance is better, but still slow. Bes...

The traffic to the sites, content farms has decreased significantly since the introduction of the new search algorithm Google

Since the introduction of the new search algorithm, designed to combat content farms, it's been a couple of months (Google introduced an algorithm in February ). After a couple of weeks, some content farms have stated that they suffer significant losses, but a company like Mahalo, had to say goodbye to your freelancers . We now know that a giant like Demand Media, is not immune from changes in search algorithm. Algorithm, introduced by the Corporation, is called Panda and is in full force just started this month. As previously reported, the main goal pursued by Google, introducing the changes — the fight against low-quality sites, which for the most part are the very content farms, stamp articles and notes, often not bearing any semantic loading, and "imprisoned" solely on getting traffic. Naturally, visitors, traffic means money, and big companies like Demand Media, earn tens of millions. The last phenomenon was recently valued at $ 1.5 billion IPO — ve...

Rules for a startup during the boom investment

In connection with another dotcom boom in the US some owners of startups think only about how to raise more money. It's easy, when investors lined up, and budding startups at seed level receive seven million dollars. Startups 42Floors co-founder Jason Friedman (Jason Freedman) says, how are presentations of start-UPS : everyone is given two and a half minutes for a presentation, then a short session of questions and answers, any business plans. The audience of five hundred "angels" eager to invest in someone. A couple of days it is easily possible to close the investment round with a seven-digit amount and the investors will negotiate, offering two to three times more than the declared volume of financing. One of these was sent to Jason, four e-mails, three SMS, then called and sent a message on LinkedIn — if only to fit in to the closing round. Startup 42Floors founded in November 2011, it provides online service to find office space. Investments by March 2012...

So you could do if you were Google and you would have had their databases?

for a Long time I wondered what's so valuable about Google+ for Google and why are they so heavily promote. In the end, Google already tried the "social" before and many have said that Google needs to focus on its core business – the search and leave the "social" to others. But what if they had no choice? What if they really needed the socialization and needed it very badly? This article describes a hypothetical possibility that Google+ can have major strategic value for Google in its core business – search. Ingredients: the the Search engine linked index the Analyst the Social network the a Large number of servers a Group of talented developers Suppose you have a search engine, and you have redefined the way people move around the Internet. Sooner or later you will find that the very Internet on which you relied when generating your index, it first begins to rot from the inside. This is a classic case, when the observer changes what ob...

Use Tsearch2 in PostgreSQL 8.3

Many in the implementation of on-site search is necessary to do a database query, using operator LIKE or regular expression. With the release of PostgreSQL 8.3 full-text search extension tsearch2 was built into the kernel (this was previously it was written on habré), and it can be used to implement a database search that will be more functional. In fact, in the article mentioned above, shows an example of using this module, but I would like to share the experience of implementing full-text search of real project . So, there is a table "news" containing the fields "title", "metaKeywords", "metaDescription" and "content". You need to implement full text search, which will search a word in all table fields, and each field has its absolute priority. We can create a database with UTF8 encoding, and make it the test table: CREATE DATABASE "tsearch2" WITH ENCODING = 'UTF8' ; CREATE TABLE "ne...