All publications Habrahabr, Victims, Megamind in one place


/ > I suggest you read service that allows you to read all publications Habrahabr, Victims, Megamind in one place.
The service parses the RSS feed of each of the three resources, download articles and puts them in the database. Then the site displays the obtained information. The interface was designed in the style Material Design. The site is made adaptive and allows you to read and equally comfortable on large screens and on tablets and on phones. The introduction of such a service is associated with the need to see all publications from three resources and not switch between them.

Implemented standard features that are on other similar services. For example:

1) display all publications on one page.
2) display the publications for each resource separately.
3) the display of comments to be published.


But in addition there are features that not all services are available. For example:

1) display only publications with a positive rating.
2) display the publications with the negative rating.
3) display posts without rating.
4) p. 1-3 can be displayed for all three resources (Habrahabr, Victims, Megamind) and separately for each resource.
5) p. 1-4 can be displayed separately for each hub.


Also in the future plans to make other functions:

1. TOP publications (all in 3 days, a week, a month):
1.1. Rated +.
1.2. For.
1.3. On the count of hits.
1.4. On the count of comments.
2. Similar publications:
2.1. Content.
2.2. Rating.
2.3. On the count of hits.
2.4. On the count of comments.
3. Search the site.
4. The error message in the text.
5. Table of contents in the publication (for quick transition points-headings).
6. Subscription (configurable in settings).
7. Statistics (for various parameters).

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