another result of logoterapia

Hello world!

Working as a Manager in the software industry, I believe that for the successful implementation of their tasks anyway, you must understand how is the work of your guys. The only way to do that is to take and try what I regularly do, calling it logoterapia.

I want to present another result of his logoterapia: service that allows cecinit number. There is a service where you check-in your idea, there is a service where you can checking the fact of its being in a particular place, but cecinit number of nowhere, and sometimes it would be convenient.

For example, somewhere I heard that if you catch 1,000 times (in total, not at once), the result is the number of pull-UPS for the series will be doubled. And I decided to check it out, but where to write such things? You can use exelica, Google docks, but I decided to make a specialized tool, where after every approach to the bar, you can add a figure. The result is a chart:

And, you can ask friends to make bets with likes with Facebook on the success or failure of our plans (at the same time we will see whether you friends or not):

Counters are not only cumulative, when another number is added to the accumulated amount, but a rewritable when the number in without refreshing just overwrites the counter value. This is necessary, for example, to measure its own weight. I decided to lose weight, set a target value, the target date and now after each check of your current weight can follow the trend:

Mobile applications has not yet been done, as the screen of a mobile browser, the app looks quite well:

If you ever have to lead a group of mobile developers, I do not apply and the mobile client within the next logoterapia. does not solve the problems in the universe is not the embodiment of something brilliant, but if someone will find it useful — use it, I would be pleased if this simple hack will be useful for you.
Article based on information from


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