Domestic software – the key to development of intellectual production in Russia?

it is Known that in Russia the non-commodity production is developed quite weak. Producers of intellectual products for a long time were forced to endure a high level of piracy, industrial espionage, illegal borrowing developments. The proportion used in Russia FOR foreign is 67%, and in hardware it reaches 90%. Considering all these factors, the ordinary man in the street with great skepticism takes the statements that import substitution in the it industry is waiting for any success. It says that it will "replacement on paper" without significant actual results. Let's understand, whether so it and whether it is possible to use foreign software to a minimum.

The first thing to pay attention to new legislation protecting the rights of copyright holders. Pirate sites are blocked, the prices due to the increased number of licensed users has become affordable for the average consumer, and many Russian families have already decided to use on their computers only licensed software. Ie the movement is from two sides – from the state and from the copyright holders. The only way to break the mentality of Russian users, accustomed to free-to-use products that are "not seen".

Russian software region over the past few years has made a significant leap, this is one of the fastest growing industries of Russia. In particular, in the 2010th and 2011th years, the growth rate of it exports from Russia amounted to 20%, in 2012 – 17% and in 2013 – 15% to $5.2 billion it Exports exceeds 0.9% of total Russian exports, and the share of Russian software companies on the market of the world is about 2.5%. The volume of this industry now compared to the volumes of products manufactured by the military-industrial complex of our country.
If to speak about the corporate software market, the majority of enterprises are now using licensed software due to the control of law enforcement agencies.

Software often contains a cloud component, i.e. part of the functionality is provided directly on the servers of the producers. Products without cloud component lose.

Anti-virus software and solutions for traffic control businesses now gain in the first place. These classes of software are tied to the need for constant database updates, malicious code, and in recent years could not function normally without being connected to the bases of cloud detecta, updated in real time.

User understands that the software functioned properly – it is better to buy. Operating system best buy, to be able to new functionality and to install the updates related to information security. Video games worth buying in order to install patches and to have access to official support, and to the games fun, not to sit on the forums trying to solve another problem.

Ie it is clear that the Russian software market is growing. But who will benefit from a new Federal policy aimed at import substitution?
It is clear that the first type of beneficiaries are domestic producers of the software. But what is advantageous to our software producers profitable and our country as a whole. Taxes stay in our country, and this affects the quality of life of people through existing public social programs.

Russian software developers respond faster to change our local reality. Of program there is no need to adapt our standards and production processes our paperwork. Chain from producer to consumer in short – means that the domestic software products easily compete with foreign manufacturers on price. So, the second beneficiary – domestic users. Again, domestic programmers originally focused on Russian-speaking audience, develop the instruction in Russian, a Russian-language technical support.
A third party that wins is our state. Cases are known when foreign often contain bookmarks that allow the security services of other countries to obtain unauthorized access to information located on user computers. The procedure of the analysis of program code for bookmarks currently exist, but they are quite difficult to implement and unreliable. In these circumstances, the use of domestic software is one of the layers of protection against potential and actual enemies.

The domestic software market has a great future because it is actually already formed, it is Mature and ready to scale. Of course, replace foreign operating systems such as OS X or Windows will be difficult, though with proper organization of the process can be used on its existing strengths, to use opportunities offered by free software. With proper targeted funding can solve such complex problems. It is worth noting that advances in the field of creation of the Russian operating system already. You may recall OS MSVS used in the Ministry of defence since 2002. Among the free projects maintained by enthusiasts, it may be noted ReactOS, the development of which is largely concentrated at present in Russia. The developers received state grants award and look with hope to the new Russian policy of import substitution.

Hardware this kind of growth to provide much more complicated, but here nothing is impossible, if you look at the experience of China, where the individual hardware manufacturers already came out in the first place by the volume of the corresponding markets in the world. In particular, recall the achievements of the Chinese (original) Lenovo, who managed to occupy fourth place in the five largest world manufacturers of personal computers.

But it is impossible not to mention about the success of Russia in this field. In particular, the Russian company "MCST" since 1992, developing a family of processors "Elbrus". Initially these processors were made in Taiwan, but at the present time the production moved to Russia. Computers and servers based on these processors have been adopted by the Russian state authorities. Omsk provider hosting services company "Promobit" – in August 2014 introduced the storage server Bitblaze Rus running processor "Elbrus 2C+".

In the field of mobile hardware is also being developed. Ministry of defence currently use special mobile phones M-633С "bumblebee", which allows to work on GSM networks in the open mode and the encryption mode of voice communication. In 2013, the year of similar devices began to use the plant "Arsenal" of the Russian space Agency in connection with the increase of leaks of classified information. Use of such phones and the Federal service of execution of punishments.
In General it can be concluded that the intellectual production in Russia can and should develop, this can and should be done not only of necessity, in response to sanctions on other States, but without such sad stimuli and occasions. Of course, it will have to make considerable efforts, for example, in the control of target expenditure of means. Of course, substitution will not be 100%, and it is, in General, not necessary. But to use the factor for the increased interest of the state to transition from foreign high-tech products to the domestic needs, this factor will positively affect the growth of the it industry, and hence on the economy of our country as a whole.

This article was prepared by the developers of the software solution Traffic Inspector.
Article based on information from


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