Double Zen: two for one with no surveillance.

Once per month my mail drops report about my activity in Google account is a curious read, because I myself sometimes can forget what I googled at one time or another time — but Google remembers everything. This may be one of, if not the only reason to try as the main search engine to use minimalistic anonymous search aggregator "Google" and "Yandex"

Zen is Zen Fox-search

Shaken, not stirred — the principle of not only James bond's signature cocktail, but also legal use of the search capabilities of these two giants. Do anything results of "Yandex" under any sauce was not on the same page with hohlovskii.


Why is it necessary

At all depends on your priorities. On the one hand, using only one search engine can often miss useful sites available to users of other search engines. But on the other, it's not that the need to compare the results of two search engines were a daily need for a large number of users — usually still enough users of one search engine, and "Zenpack" not intended for breaking established traditions, by default, always opening the tab with the service you used last time.
So rather chip "Zenovka" in the anonymity of the search. That, in General, becomes relevant for even the most law-abiding users in a country where by law obliged to store data about their users for at least six months. So explain then comrade major six months later, I googled "panties little girls" because the wife asked to buy my daughter new things.

But this paranoid should not be met with mere words. What we can be guarantee that the service, promises privacy, will prove to be even more clever trap than a good uncle Google? The service developers answer this question:

But what guarantees can in principle be anonymous services? Probably, no. Just if you find the opposite, they immediately lose their audience, which went here for the anonymity. We have a way until the audience, which appreciates anonymity, only 10%. Judging by the reviews in the Vkontakte "Zenovka", now he and his international version of the are primarily for minimalism (50%), and only then for the opportunity to compare the results Yandex+Google (25%). Here by the way is another good question what is considered the anonymity, 100% anonymity on the Internet does not exist in principle. We use TLS encryption, not stored and therefore not able to give anyone a log of search queries, visited websites, IP address of the user, prevent the transmission of the search query the sites to which transition occurs, we do not have and will not have accounts or a reference to the phone – in short, everything that is written in our Privacy Policy. But we do not plan to stay, now work is underway on the use of proxies, the integration of Tor anonymity – one of the priority directions of our development.

Double search allows you to depend less on the whims of the specific search engine the main one, of course, there may be a risk of blocking:

Theoretically, of course, the risk there are and were examples of the ban of the once popular metapoiskoviki by Google. But while a) complied with the licensing agreement, b) the service providers themselves receive income from such services + expand its market share, gain a new distribution channel, b) get a new player, i.e. the opportunity to learn from his mistakes/victories, g) in the case of all can always kill — risk is not very large. And even if h-hour comes, we will be able to replace the provider on the other, having a decent Russian localization.


Search for music

Half the power of "Vkontakte" rests on a huge collection of illegal music and movies. In fact, VK is a service where people hold friends and music — two of the most important substance in the lives of the millennial generation. Drag and drop music into a search engine is a great idea. In Soundcloud you can really find almost everything. This is much better than that offered by the giants of the search: for example, last years my traditional script music search, the name of which I have read somewhere wanted to hear was a request, right-click to Google → click YouTube in the results → new tab with the song. Frankly, a little overly — first of all, why do I need video if I just want to hear mysku, and secondly I don't like the extra tabs. In this sense, the built-in Audiophilic really solves my problem.
But still to the state of the killer-features search lacks the ability to create playlists, which would be directly contrary to the idea of anonymity of a search engine. It would have to be food for the creators of the extension if Dzenpoisk will become popular. In General, this is just thinking out loud. Important: search the music is promising.




Wonders for free does not happen, so the transition to the double-headed anonymous search will require to get used to some inconvenience. What they are — I'll explain below, but it is worth it or not — you decide.
First, Google, "Yandex" has long moved away from just the search results, immediately trying to answer the question of the user: for example, the translation of the word or the exchange rate directly on the screen issue. "Zenpack" such tricks are not yet trained, offering a more old-school option with the transition to the appropriate site.

Second, the place that the "Google" in the results uses a smart tip, partners, it forcibly imposes the ads, taking with it 60% of revenue. However, it is easily treated adblokom, and in the tab of "Yandex", which is offered in the search engine by default, no advertising at all.


the Final weigh-in

There are a number of features of Zenouska — auto language issue for English-language queries, advanced math calculator, the improved card — which, of course, many will be interesting, but unlikely to determine the fate of the project. With all the shortcomings inherent in start-UPS — and not all startups, yet produced more refined and richly fertilized salvage from the incubators, there is still a place of old-fashioned garage endeavors — Dzenpoisk looks very interesting attempt, which should be given a chance.

I also could not resist the experiment, putting Dzenpoisk itself the default search engine. Thank Chrome, replacement search is performed with minimal stress to the user, simply change the search operator in the settings, and voila: searching through the address bar displays on the issuance of "Zen" in the menu of the right button appears too "Zen" instead of "Google".

At the level of psychology it makes the transition to the new search engine is much easier than having to remember a new site and get used to his face. However, the main "Janoska" with its lonely search string that will appeal to fans of minimalism, and attained enlightenment through the settings you can generally leave only one text cursor.

Anyway, DzenPoisk to their users absolutely not sexually harassed. So why not try it.
Article based on information from


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