Emply.ru looking for an investor

A week ago our investor said that for several reasons, his income declined and he can no longer Fund us in full. Since August the team will have to be reduced. To continue the development and promotion we are looking for additional investments.

During the work we made two separate online project, each of which has no analogues on the Russian market:

They are unique thanks to the use of our technology for extracting facts from the job boards. Both services differ from existing solutions on the market that allow you to operate not with categories, full text search (text contains "programmer" or "developer" or "developer"), and the categories of the subject area (vacancy programmer).

This approach allowed us to implement a scoring summary — assessment of compliance summary the parameters of the vacancy. This service is for the employer or staffing Agency allows you to save the time of the recruiters at the stage of primary selection summary.
The user is required to specify the parameters of the vacancy (mandatory requirements and evaluation parameters, which will be held scoring) and select which summary to analyze. Summary for analysis can be downloaded independently (for the protection of personal data, we made the program-anonimizator, which leaves the contacts the employer, and emply.ru downloads the already anonymous summary) or to analyze summary from our base, which is filled with spiders (just had 141 636 summary). As a result, the user sees a list of the most suitable for the vacancy candidates. For each specified conformity assessment (percentage).

For text Analytics, we have created a system that we modestly called the "parser". The parser allows you to analyze the texts of job and not just break them down into blocks, as do other parsers summary, and to extract from them the facts (positions, skills, industry, etc.)

To make it all work we have created a knowledge base of the subject area containing the reference of these facts, their possible names (how this object can be called in CV/resume), and a hierarchy of objects, and hundreds of thousands of texts processed manually and resume, which train our ML algorithms.

All this wealth is documented, covered by tests, established the mechanisms for CI, automated deployment. And even a team up to August all in place.
We have a preliminary agreement about the use of scoring with a variety of companies, and we are in talks about integration with the largest Russian ATS (Applicant Tracking System) and the job site.

We welcome any suggestions!
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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