In Lviv are asked to give Java the status of a regional language *
MOV parasti vinogradno Lozi,
Placate Java pil th neustanno!
Despite the fact that this news lies in the plane of humor (and to some extent even political satire), you cannot bypass it attention. I took to piece together and translate some of these fun materials that today walk on the UAнету.
It all started with the website UaReview — which regularly publishes fictional news. As usual, part of the online media picked up the baton and published the news. In short, it was about a fictional Lviv programmer Vitaly Popov, who wrote in his petition to the Lviv city Council:
"Lviv belongs to the cities with highly developed IT-cluster, – says the programmer, I and my colleagues regularly use the Java language, and it is natural that some words, phrases and even whole sentences into Ukrainian, we began to replace the counterparts of this programming language. Besides, since 1995, Java is rapidly gaining popularity now a Java virtual machine can be found on the Rover and household appliances. If the city Council of the city of Lviv will accept our petition, it will become a precedent. I admit that our colleagues writing in C#, C++ or PHP will require the status of a regional language for them."
However, following this, is a real programmer Oleksiy Khilkevich (as it turned out he 1ex) registered a petition to the Lviv city Council demanding: "Provide the Java language the status of regional in Lviv!". The petition currently signed by more than
"Highly skilled Java-programmers are in absolute minority of the population, and feeling pressure from society, deprived of the right to communicate in their native language, which they are forced to use one or more other languages.
There are cases when programmers could not name their children common in the Java community names (Gosling, Bloch, Systems, Object, Thread, Pescod — the most famous examples among many). Also according to a recent study in the city of Lviv there is no secondary school where students could learn Java, is a clear violation of their constitutional rights to education in their native language," the statement says.
"Recognition Java regional language ensure the protection of the right Java programmers to communicate in their native language will give them legal protection to use it in cases of legal proceedings when dealing with local authorities and in everyday life. On a national scale, this will also contribute to a more comprehensive and deeper development of national IT-industry, will raise the General level of education in the country and strengthen the role of Ukraine as a state with a high innovation potential".
If you support the idea of giving Java the status of a regional language, a petition it's not too late to sign :)
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