Indexisto — mobile browser-a reader of new generation

Thorny and pivotal path startups. Here we are in Indexisto are still searching for the best application that I can, and here's what happened:


We made a mobile browser-reader (so far, only Android — pow Play Market). Later in the story you will understand why the title contains big words "browser" and why the "new generation".

Przesadnie sources instead of RSS.

Most users of Habra are pretty hardcore in their consumer preferences and the phrase "import OPML for RSS 200 threads" no one is afraid of. However, RSS readers in its purest form is clearly not blow up the tops mobile application stores and the step of adding the threads we have drastically simplified and all the sources are already there in the mobile app, and it only remains to choose:

RSS reader Indexisto

dobavlenie their RSS in the nearest future.

Aggregation on the server

From the point of view of the internal structure of the service we also did not orientirueshsya on RSS. When you launch the app, queries are not the addresses of the configured RSS streams, and to our server and request only one (all the threads have already segregirovannie).

RSS reader

Getting and parsing articles

What's more — all articles we parsim and pumped the old-fashioned means from the previous incarnation Indexisto. We have a very powerful Tulsa which allows simple language (xml) to describe the task of parsing:

    . RSS feed, public, website, Youtube channel...

    As. Where can I get the title where to take the body of the article

    When. such as check for updates every 5 minutes

    Why. Ask the necessary post processors (to cut out unnecessary tags, normalize, convert to JSON)

As a result, we are able to show articles in a crystal clear view of native mobile apps. This means that we can make a request to the server for the image in the desired resolution to show Youtube videos native SDK, play GIF and many more without WebView. That is why we want to be called by the browser — we are in fact translate html elements in native Android (and soon iOS).

We also believe that normal mobile browser is not very convenient for viewing content.

RSS reader stream

RSS articles

Why are you stealing content?

We do not steal content. For starters, we always look at the ToS of the site. On many websites the content can take the whole with a link to what we do. If the ToS is not present, we will contact the owners and request permissions: many sites is more important than coverage of content, rather than directly transitions (called Content Marketing). In the picture: our "CRM" in excel, in which we do business associated with rights:


Well, in the worst case, we cut the content to ensure the transition to the site. The transition to the website are made possible by seamless, the page is loaded in the background while you read the uncircumcised part, and then you gradually get on the site to the desired page has been unwound to the right place:


While we have confidence in the bright future of aggregators and we prepare excellent conditions advertising model of monetization of content sites in our aggregator.

Why would you even need the full text of articles?

Oparsenal always beautiful article we can show in a mobile app, there are a number of important advantages.
For example, the ability to customize the feed for any word. Suppose you really like Microsoft, and you're scared to miss important news. You Tapan paragraph of text which contains the word Microsoft, the word is highlighted as a tag, you click the tag and see all articles with the word Microsoft:

(Russian is not working, managed to tie, stemming and morphology).
The following features: full-text search with ability to customize the feed (Ala Google Alerts) and recommendations based on textual similarity.

Unloading articles and offline reading.

I prefer the train instead of hours of traffic jams. To rely on mobile Internet in terms of comfortable fast reading was not. Therefore, feature pre-injection and keshirovaniya content was implemented in the first version. In the menu you can configure the frequency and depth of pumping. Siphoned articles and pictures to them. In order to read from the cache need to switch application to offline mode:


As always we have big plans.

First, you've got to work on the quality of what is already there. The app is not yet perfect.
Secondly — you always need to evolve and attract new users. Here's what planned for the relatively near future:
  • fixed adding new sources, work with copyright holders.
  • the
  • Adding your RSS feeds, for hardcore RSS users
  • the
  • rating System and review, with the ability to sort articles by popularity (Ala Reddit).
  • the
  • Social graph — what are you reading your friends.

We will be glad to hear from you!
Until ready only the Android version. Indexisto in Play Market. Or type in the search Play Market "Indexisto".
Article based on information from


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