MODx eForm

eForm is a great tool for working with forms (feedback questionnaires, etc.). To begin to understand it I decided to make translation possible settings. It can be treated and as a set of possibilities.

The text is very large, since the possibilities are many.


eForm processes data that users enter in
form on the website. The data obtained can be sent by e-mail using
html format, attachments,
Voicemail, and enhanced data processing and the generation of the custom


Mandatory parameters

the &formid

The form ID that is used when sending
data. This parameter is required if the page uses more than one
form. Template your form should have a hidden field with the same ID: <input type="hidden" name="formid"
value="formName" / > or (from eForm 1.4.x) you can
to set the ID directly in the form tag: <form

the &tpl

The name of the chunk (not a number) or document ID (number) for
used template (new in 1.4.4) You can also use the snippet as
the source of the template. In this case no parameters are passed. For regular
form fields you do not need to include variables as they are automatically
include eForm,
except when you define the values. Available
variables are: [+validationmessage+]
[+postdate+],[+verimageurl+] and [+debugText+]. Each form must contain
the variable [+validatiomessage+].

the &report

The name of the chunk (not a number) or document ID (number) for a template
report. Must contain each form.


advanced options

the &to (optional)

Email address
which will be sent information. You can use multiple addresses
separating them with a comma (,). If not specified, will be used for the system address.

the &from (optional)

Sets the sender's address.

the &fromname

Sets the name of the sender.

the &replyto (optional)

E-mail address or a field containing the address that will be used
the letter for the answer.

the &sendirect (optional)

Includes the ability to use a field to determine the form of address
where to send the letter.

  • 1 — enable
  • the
  • 0 — off (default)

the &cc

Also as &email but
for Cc:

the &bcc

Also as &email but
for Bcc:

the &ccsender

Send a copy of the form data to the user. Defaults to 0. eForm looking for
the address of the user in the field called email.

  • 1 — enable
  • the
  • 0 — disabled (default)

the &subject (optional)

The subject of the message, which may include [.form fields.]. For example: Thank you
for your order [.firstname.] [.lastname.]


Protects eForm
sending e-mails.

  • 1 — disable the sending of messages
  • the
  • 0 — enable the sending of messages (default)

the &mailselector (optional)

Sets the form field to be used with the
only addresses from a list of addresses separated by a comma (,) to
use &to. The value of a field will determine
the number of the mailing address. The number 1 corresponds to the first address and N is the last.

Example: &to
=`,,` &mailselector=`topic`

The form is used the topic field in a drop-down list. When
the user selects a value, thereby it specifies a single address
which will be sent the form data.

the &mobile (optional)

E-mail address of the mobile device. Is used to send short

the &mobiletext (optional)

Message to send to the mobile device. May contain [.field
form.]. For example: Order [.firstname.].

the &thankyou (optional)

The name of the chunk (not a number) or document ID (number) for
used template message displayed to the user after sending the data.
form. Tags like &tpl

the &gotoid (optional)

The ID of the document that will restructure after sending
form data. See also &thankyou.

the &category (optional)

The name or the category ID used to categorize the eForm. If the category is not found, then
it will be automatically created. It is used in the subject message.

the &keywords (optional)

Comma separated (,) keywords or [+form field+]
used when searching databank. For example: [+firstname+]
[+lastname+], [+email+]

the &autosender (optional)

Email address displayed when sending a message
answering machine. For example:

the &autoSenderName

The name used in the message.

the &automessage (optional)

The name of the chunk (not a number) or document ID (number) for
used template in the auto-reply message. May contain [.form fields.].

the &allowhtml (optional)

Includes users use HTML in the message.

  • 1 — enabled
  • the
  • 0 — disabled (default)

the &language (optional)

Sets the language used in messages and checks. Name of languages
coincides with MODx.

the &vericode (optional)

Includes the verification code. The template must contain a field for verification and
the variable [+vericode+].

the &debug (optional)

Includes extended error messages in form validation. Mostly
for debugging #LIST and #SELECT.

the &sendAsHtml (optional)

Determines which messages will use the html format.

  • 1 — all messages
  • report,
    autotext, mobile — specific types

the &sendAsText (optional)

Determines which message will use the text format.

  • 1 — all messages
  • report,
    autotext, mobile — specific types

the &sessionVars (optional)

The names of the session variables $_SESSION
separated by comma (,). They will be added to the list of field values before
the display form and can be used as hidden fields. If you
use this option, make sure you do not reveal important
information session (hidden fields do not protect information!).

As eForm does not
independent processing of these values, you need to enable them in
template. For example:
[!eForm &sessionVars=`jobID`... ]] and <input type="hidden"
value="[<!-- -->+jobID+]" />

the &postOverides (optional)

Used in combination of &sessionVars. Session variables will be
rewritten in entered form values. When set to 1 received
form data is given priority.

the &reportAbuse (optional)

When set to `1` will be sent messages on a special
e-mail address will be seen if the attempt of injection eForm (use sparingly).

the &cssStyle (optional)

Adds style definition to the page where you
is a form or a message to the user displayed after sending
(only if the parameter &thankyou
installed). Values can be in the form of the document ID (number) name
chunk or links to a stylesheet (relative or absolute). Can
multiple values separated by commas (,) (in fact, you can
to combine all three values).

&cssStyle=`assets/site/forms.css,chunkName`... ]]
[!eForm &cssStyle=`chunkName`... ]]
[!eForm &cssStyle=``... ]]

Chunks (and documents if you set the ID of the document)
use the values in the form:

  1. as
    built-in power
    as a reference to a stylesheet: <link href="assets/site/forms.css"
    rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    as comma separated (,) list of references to style sheets:
Article based on information from


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