"Personal" blogs

Almost every day on habré played out this scenario: if you have a couple of advantages to karma some habrachelovek wrote my first post in the "personal blog", and writes ... well, actually something very personal, non-public or public-is irrelevant. Many here also fly in the red.

Here is the description now meets us right when writing a new post:
description of the blog
This is your personal blog.
All. And what is a personal blog? Guess himself. And everyone realizes how can. And as usual people realize — in the likeness of the previously mentioned "things". In most online worlds P. B. is a place where anyone (in your) can write whatever they want and no one will judge. But on habré it is not so here for the record in P. B. it is easy to suffer in rights, here appreciate all. The term is the same, but the meaning differs radically from the usual.

Idea: to somehow insinuate that this post will appear in /new/ and will be appreciated by many as it's public record, such as:
description of the blog
This is your personal blog. Try and write socially relevant stuff because you can be and will be evaluated.
(Well it still effectively serves to notice, especially when the count of published posts is zero.)

It is well known that manuals are not read.
In the first ocerall not read help section (namely, there is a hint of an unusual "personality" there, and only there)
then don't read the description of the blog
but almogavares the name of the blog read: "personal blog" — that gets in the head of the writer. It is not surprising that many are deceived.

~-~-~ habracut ~-~-~
What I proposed to do is very simple — two minutes. If desired, of course, and in Accordance With :-). Thus beating the purpose moderate of the three. Well, at least something.

Even better in my opinion would be to rename is (and then some zapadenka beginners get). Although what I don't know why they thought the Creators, but in my opinion better to completely eliminate, because the personal mouthpieces on the public server in my opinion deserves only the best that have already proven themselves. Out, and Dribbler no such (blogs). But if you write "I am smart", it makes you wonder. Well, this is a reflection of a General character — to changes in current Habra in this way do not count.

PS Although if the cultivation of the prosharenny personalities is the task Habra, these features only contribute to the development plan. If he is such.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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