REFLECT — browser [2D] game from scratch in 9 days

All hapalyam — hi!

Astrologers announced a week hackathon.

The theme almost Friday, post, think, Friday. We — a group of friends that wants to try yourself in the development of browser games "REFLECT" in a short time.

Interest in hackathons appeared after several recent articles on Habre. This March slightly different format, we called it "Heaton".

The launch is scheduled for today (15 Dec 2012) 15:00 Moscow time. We invite you to visit broadcast (16+), see the github and participate with comments, tips and ideas.

In addition to this weekend, work on the project will continue over the next weeks, approximately 2 — 4 hours on weekdays, after 19:00, plus the first weekend after the end of the world.

About our a bunch of pictures:
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Ivan limon (Programmer). Key skills: mathematics, physics.

Maxim (Programmer). Key skills: Actionscript 3.0.

albert (Internet, PR). Key skills: SMM, cosnarati, MegaSpace.
In case of fire to take out first.

Ivan (graphics). Main skills: Photoshop, Illustrator.

Dmitry (game design). Main skills: SEO, layout.

Vladislav (sound). Key skills: trainer in acrobatics. Turns two and.

Eugene. (graphics). Main skills: web design.

On the idea the protagonist is a small robot who has to fight off waves of enemy units, but in his Arsenal is not weapons. The gameplay is to repel the attacks of enemies with a Shield. That is, to kill the enemy, it is necessary to reflect the shot and kill the bastard with his own weapon. Units-the parasites will be a lot, they will climb from all sides, and the player's task would be not to die and to hold the maximum amount of time (a La Crimsonland). With each new wave will be harder to handle, but as a small bonus on the card will receive an additional power up means that in the short term will allow you to gain an advantage. In principle, non-standard combat model is the main feature of this adventure.

The goal is to release a fully working version of simple browser games. We reject many items that would make the game more fun and exciting, and give emphasis on simplicity and efficiency. If time permits, we will also make versions for Android and iOS, but honestly, don't know yet how :)

During the broadcast you can see how work on the game as well, as we rest on the breaks with a parteyku or two in StarCraft II 4x4.

After the game, WHILE planning to take a slightly more complicated project. Will gladly accept ideas for consideration.

>>> Selected development tools <<<
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Aptana Studio. Free nice development environment. Has a normal JS debug integrated command line Git.

Git. The version control system. It's time to learn, finally.

Repository on github

EaselJS. Javascript HTML5 canvas engine. I fell in love with him from the first row when the source of examples. Simple, concise. In the neighborhood lived a sound and tweens.

jQuery. Where without it?

the server part of the table of records — PHP + MySQL.

In order to prevent issues google closure — we have decided to do without it to be a little closer to pure JS, plus: and so a lot of what you need to understand, none of us are professional programmers JS.

Not to start a completely "zero", have been touching the engine EaselJS and prepared the following functionality: Manager game scenes, harvesting scenes with menu, preparation of the stage with the game, the preloader images. Due to the fact that in some browsers the security policy's forbidden to upload in JS local pictures, local tests written in simple httpServer.exe and for owners of Macs in the repository filled free downloaded macOShttpServer (thanks to dime) Locally to run the project from these “servercom”. All of this can be viewed and download here.

If the site will fall for any reasons, blog this buffoonery will be carried out in Facebook page. Direct links to the broadcast: limon, Maxim, albert, Dmitry, Ivan, Vladislav, all together.

We are not asking, but also not refuse help in any form: the idea of the logo, its implementation, sketches of enemies, tips on code optimization to improve structure, refactoring, etc.

UPD (Dec 24, 2012 7:00 PM)
Hello! Will sum up a little:
Maxim now dopilivat last letters of the code and will fill in for website. In 9 days (2Хвыходные + 5Хвечера the week) done in my estimation is not enough. The idea, as we saw, was harder to implement than we imagined. In spite of this almost all completed except for: the balance of the game, sounds and music (we picked them up, cut them but programmatically built not yet), refactoring code (at the end especially naidakova, something needs to be optimized) that are not protected records table, there are several glyuchkov, requiring repair, not filled info and credits. All it is planned in the near future, to put the point. The result: obtained a huge amount of experience all of us a huge amount of pleasure from work with friends, communicating with other developers. All thanks again! Not forgiven :-)
Article based on information from


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