Reflections on karma, ratings and comments. My charsetid

Here is a couple of years read Habr. Almost a month and a half are full harachamim. So the other day I was thinking: I put the pros? Time cons? That plus/minus karma? When komentiruyu? What motivates me? And how do others do it? Why? I began to observe, to ask friends and acquaintances. The two friends asked why almost nothing is written on Habre — they have a great article in their own blogs. Gradually began to emerge a picture in my opinion is not very rosy, but such is life. Perhaps this article will charsetid. If will be — I want to thank those who have written sensible comments to my topic (not so much), and especially Cryptochild, for that read my article in the sandbox, believed in me and gave me an invite.

Questions, questions, no answers, but there are reflections. May dear harasaki will be able to answer them, could you at least think for yourself, and maybe someone will change something. If even a few people will think it's great.

1. Vote for the article. After reading the article can darknut in the "like / dislike" and "raising karma".
Read a article and liked it? Press both without thinking — and an article in plus, and karma. Didn't like it? Click in the "not like" and if given a chance, I am almost certain, that just as a gun to "drop karma." The benefit of such buttons are not present. (Thanks to UFO?).
The article as it is not hooked? Not too tight neither, even if it is clear that the author is on her month spent... What's wrong? Always wrong? Exactly? But for others will vouch?
Who ever thus thinks about the consequence of their actions? About how these pressing will affect what we see on habré tomorrow? That the assessment of a specific article — this essentially is not the same as the rating of the author? After all the mediocre or even unpleasant it may well be that will write a smart article, or makes in the translation, but the trolls in comments. And that is an interesting article in itself is not a criterion for the evaluation of the person who translated it from English? And that, in the case of means plus the karma — assessment of professional translation? If we joyfully plyusuem and karma and article for more or less intelligible translation of the article of some famous wordsmiths, and bulk and minusuem in full for minor issues, someone who maybe wrong in detail, but invented and wrote himself and is not afraid to show it to others, to trust the unseen — what are we gonna read tomorrow? News portal with a compilation of good translation or something else? We all want to read tomorrow on habré? Article authors directly? Translations? Crosspost? Interesting news with minimal post comments and link to the source? Someone himself asked this question? Someone thought on "how I, personally, I want to see Habr tomorrow"?
I don't know the answers, but I was thinking about otvetstvennosti for tomorrow by clicking on the "+" or "-" today... I wondered about that button "like" / "dislike" essentially means "I depend on me doing that on habré this type of articles have more / less". A voice-over karma essentially means "I want this person could publish articles and then brought my friends, I like how he writes and what he writes," and a minus in karma — "I want that man fell silent and never wrote, I don't want to see him or his friends on habré". Many of us think about it by pressing the little plus and minus? Who before pressing minus on the karma looks at what else this person wrote not to unwittingly harm Habra vhlam zaminusovali good writer for one thing in the comments to someone else's article with a great rating?

2. Comments. Here at sad. 70-90% comments can essentially be summed up in a few more honest: "and I do anyway, because your method is no good just because it's not as I do", "well, you durak, not what I do", "someday maybe you too will become as smart as I am", "Nitsche not understand, but I think that's bullshit" and "on the subject I have nothing to say, but you have a comma missing or even it certainly can and so, but yesterday we were on a fishing vooot such bream caught" and then comes the discussion of bream.

3. Vote for the comments — two buttons "good comment" and a "bad comment". What is a good comment? Everyone understands in his own way, but who among us, hand on heart, trying to do it impartially, on the basis again of what we want to see Habr tomorrow, depending on how much comment on the subject, based on how much it can be helpful / harmful?
In my experience, most often a minus in the comment means "I think differently, but broke to explain his point of view." The author comments this disadvantage will perceive as "Yes, they are sheep then all th to say them at all" and more to the topic will not return. That was a constructive exchange of views — all are unhappy, each in their own way, truth is not established, but the topic was buried.
Minus often of course just means "don't argue with me!" or "but I was taught otherwise, but I don't know how to explain my point of view," sometimes it's just the voice of bolelshikov in a dispute between two parties. That is, "I don't know who of you is right, but I'm rooting for him, because he plus, and minus you".

4. And the last, call it a "late return". When the topic is already closed (deprecated) and the voices are not taken, with the author of the article (or comments) do not agree, and your comment write broke, what can I do? Correct onSRAminusovat a karma, to teach it, ATO I am unhappy and lazy, must be discharged somewhere, and to think lenivo...

Who is to blame and what to do? No one is to blame and at the same time, we are all to blame. Habr is what we all make of it together. No matter whether we do it consciously or not.
At the moment, many people prefer to post here just what "fashionable" and the "audience hawala". Something that is proven and generally suitable. Taken in each article to bow and scrape, "a moped is not mine, I just posted to announce," or "not beeeee for karma please, I didn't want to, I'm little stupid, don't hurt me maloholnye..." And in fact no other way, or those who like to show off cool peck just for the mere fact that he dared to write without considering their opinion (so I bowed just in case, at the beginning of the article). Decided to write only about what is clear and easily understandable. Everything that departs from the conventional "hawk" — this risk.

Yes, I exaggerate a little to see better what can be left out. I just want at least some part of habenaria before you click the "+"/"-" thought: "What am I doing? How will this affect the habré and the author of the article? I want such a result?".

And it would be neploho, if at least some of those who sees the minus button as "I disagree with the author" and without thinking presses her a little more often instead explain the reason of his disagreement with it CONVINCINGLY. According to the principle: do not agree, minus just by writing a reasoned refutation. No arguments? So don't touch the negative, not for you! It may well be that both are wrong in a dispute (not in a fight, namely in the dispute) the truth is born.

Yes, Habr a self-regulating mechanism that rejects those who are not suitable and averaging, lead to a common denominator. The mechanisms of regulation IMHO very well thought and essentially effective, but their thoughtless use, active minusovaniya for "delete to prove that I'm better" and the passive attitude of those who really creates something interesting Habr — all of which can lead to tragic consequences, and is already leading, therefore, appear moans on "Habr is not the same". So don't complain — do what depends on you, to again become one! And before you do — think about what you're doing!

Why Charsetid? Yes, because I now distribute the minuses, and those who know themselves, and those who are not learned but did not understand, and those who are "other principles" and those who translate articles, and those who got the moaning about "Habr is not a cake", and those who groan, and fighters for grammatical and syntactical sterility, and all sorts of other "controllers correctness". Many prefer not to admit their mistakes and really do not like those who interfere with them. Distribute those in this paragraph will provide an indirect allusion to "give advantages". Nothing, I was ready for it, if ACC will not close — will gradually return to plus. If closed — I will read before as read-only. If only the benefits were.
Well, that's all. If even a few people think — so my charsetid was not in vain. So tomorrow me and you will become more interesting on habré. Thank you to those who understand me. I apologize to those who do not understand. May be goodbye, maybe until we meet again.

PS Tell me, please, what a blog it is better to put?

UPD: I Read the comments. Wanted to add:
The purpose of this post is not to complain about my life, not to complain, not to criticize. The goal is to remind you that each of us creates tomorrow Habr. Gentlemen, think what you do when you press minus. Think what you are doing when you shake a plus. There are no universal solutions and silver bullets. You just have to realize responsibility for themselves and abrasheva for being on that tight, and the consequences of that. There is no "Habr is not the same" is "I do not Habr as it can be." Think, gentlemen, think...
Article based on information from


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