Rosvybory Danger

Hello, dear engineers.

Free from sleep and work for money while I manage the development of the project Rosvybory system for the collection and coordination of volunteers, willing to be observers at the elections on 8 September. Task Rosvyborov — to enter into the composition of each election Commission the maximum possible number of observers, and to resist the actions of unscrupulous members of election commissions is to maximize the time spent nablyudatelei in areas to provide support to observers, mobile teams and support contact center. The goal is to make the election results as close to actually cast the vote, minimizing the impact of the forces of evil on the official results.
To get an idea about the system from the developer's point of view can reading publicly available usage scenarios. The project is implemented in ruby on rails, at the time of writing this post and ready to operate in approximately half of the productive scenarios.
At the moment the project has two problems — a very short time and a blatant lack of developers. Elections will be in two weeks, and the system must be set to the fully productive in the coming week. The project involved some great engineers, but unfortunately none of them have the ability to engage them in fulltime mode.
Colleagues, we urgently need engineers, professionally developing on ruby on rails, and are ready next week to fully devote himself to this project. The actual customer of the project — civil society, each of us, from those who understand the need to election results, exactly corresponding to the ticks set by the voters on the ballot. It is not the richest in the world the customer, so the motivation "for the money" will not work here, work only the desire to do everything possible to achieve the aforesaid purpose.
If you are willing to join and bring the project to the end email us if you know developers who might be interested in — show them this post.

Update: results exceeded expectations, skilled, fighting against evil was more than enough, thank you!
Article based on information from


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