ХаброRSS Filter Feeders

Hello dear Abrollsoftware.
I want to present to your attention a small online tool, which is designed for more convenient work with RSS channels Habrahabr.

Why you need it:

The fact that after the reform Habra, profile settings disappeared following options: "to Drain to the ribbon topics of blogs", "Drain in the ribbon tops from the top", in the end I had to subscribe to 3 channels at once. (learn more about this I have written: http://kapustos.habrahabr.ru/blog/45249/). To solve the problem by using Yahoo Pipes failed and I made a little app that solved my problem. I wanted to boast to the community, and after restoring gloss and adding multiplayer functionality appeared "ХаброRSS filter Feeders".

What he knows and how this is useful:

  • From multiple feeds Habra to make one, thus removing the duplicates and sort the list by date.
    For the experiment, I signed up for the 2 bands: Personal and Main in RSS reader, and on the Feeders. Okolonosovyh after 7 days, in RSS news reader 156, Feeders 126.

  • the
  • Remove from feed news, which are written in a particular blog.
    I remember how the authors Habra proposed to add the option "to all posts except blog xxx". This can be configured in the Feeders. By the way, I think it might be useful to readers of Habra who have no account on the site, accordingly not available to them personal RSS feed. With the aid of this option, they will be able to less unnecessary/uninteresting news.

  • the
  • Remove from feed of news that is written by a specific author.
    You do not take someone on habré? His posts cause you anger and aggression? Add his nickname in the ignore list and your RSS feed will not be desecrated.

  • the
  • Trim the news that more than a certain length.
    If you belong to those users who first write "Harakat", then the next opportunity is for you: determine the maximum length of messages that fall into your tape — longer messages will be cut off.


I subscribed to RSS on the Main, Thematic blogs and Personal feed. To the ignore list of the blogs I've added Podcasts (I do not perceive information by ear) Design, and several blogs dedicated to technologies which are currently not interesting to me. Authors I'm not ignoring.

Technical stuff:

backend in PHP. For parsing RSS feeds Habrahabr I used library: SimplePie (if there is interest, I could write the review topic).
On the client side, jQuery and a little AJAX.
The generated RSS XML habrabracon identical, except that you change the title, and in order to pass the validation (abrahamovce xml does not pass it) had to change the item to <dc:creator></dc:creator>.
For personal tape required RSS ID Habrahabr, I think he provides a secret information, if I'm wrong, please write.
I decided that authentication type: "username: password" this too, so users are authenticated using the unique URL issued when you save the settings.

For Abroadeducation:

I hope the creation of such a service, I don't break rules Habrahabr. The memo "About the Bots" I read and put the corresponding User-Agent. Also included caching RSS query to GET unique sent not more often than once in 5 minutes. Any benefits I service to not going and I promise not to put in a plug.
If the "Feeders" still, something breaks, please notify me and I drinking!

I will be glad to your suggestions, bug reports and criticism.
PS: tried So hard when writing a post, forgot to include the link, here it is: ХаброRSS filter Feeders

UPD: that's what I thought, because 'I Habrahabr' private blog — nezaregistrirovanye readers of a topic on the Feeders do not see it, and they just it would be very useful. Maybe its for 1-2 nights to move to some kind of outdoor blog and then back?
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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