Russian sound: my attempt of production and crowdfunding

How realistic is a Russian citizen on one salary to start producing electronics? Sounds crazy, but I decided for fun to try to make a trial batch of Russian sound cards and raise money using crowdfunding. Of course breaking a psychological barrier — the belief that in Russia to launch high-tech production is impossible.

In the ultra-modern and innovative Russia for most of "Russian" equipment producing countries in South-East Asia. I also wanted to try to make something of their own with Russian manufacturers. To do this we have a very expensive, because all the "civilian" technologies have long been abandoned. But if the process to join the other passionate people, we can come to the conclusion that to engage in the production, we will have no less favorably than repurchase. In the end, the producing, the entrepreneur receives a higher quality sense of self, national pride, or something.

device Selection

Criteria for device selection were simplicity and low cost (in order to exclude risks), and, of course, the realism of the production in Russia today. As a result, chose the sound card on the popular chip PCM2704.

The parameters of the chip are:
  • 16bit
  • the
  • 32/44,1/48 KHz
  • the
  • USB 1.1
  • the
  • 0,006% THD at high impedance load or 0.025% when working with headphones
  • the
  • output power 12mW into 32ω
  • the
  • Not need a driver for Windows, MacOs and Linux

Technology and production

On his salary out of the blue the actual production enterprise is not new. But we have enough companies that are willing to do the individual components.

To develop the scheme, and to order Board sound card on one of the Moscow companies was easy. I wanted to make the device as small as possible, for example, a quartz crystal resonator had to move to the other side of the Board.

The real problem created by our opportunities of small-scale production buildings. Of course, you can paint anything plastic, but the prospect of paying six figures for a mold is not happy.

In search of a solution I first came across liquid plastic, which are imported to us from abroad. Technology is that the blended composition of the two components which cures in a few hours. I decided to fill Board plastic and connectors to install two aluminum plugs.

For plastic, of course, produced dyes, but the Board was provided a led. Was supposed to be a sort of stylish charm. Casting was ordered cylindrical form. The results were not suitable for production. In the plastic left air bubbles, and it would be quite nice if they hadn't appeared yet and on the walls. Naturally, in the course of operation they would collect dirt.

Supplier of plastic are recommended in the first few minutes after casting to put her in the high pressure chamber. These cameras — the pleasure is too expensive, so there were improvised. Then I realized that the camera spent not really worth it, as the plugs knocked out by pressure into the form, while the casting surface was quite smooth.

Had to stop on the cylindrical housing of duralumin, although it is much more expensive. 3D model, prototype and get a decent result. Body is quite light and pleasant to the touch. As a bonus, of course – durability and maintainability. Such a device human effort to break the impossible. Of course, means a high level of reliability and expectation that the consumer will use the device over the years. Limited life is not laid, as is the case with many of today's manufacturers. Let's call it reputation.

It turns out that the limited capacity of our production facilities lead to the fact that we have to produce expensive and only possible qualitatively. It seems to be great, but there is a downside: duralumin looks too industrial, not everyone likes such aesthetics. Of course, this limits the range of consumers, but would not otherwise get. Have to rely on those who do. For example, I could set them up Numark MP102 if I had a need for the CD player.

The sound card was actually tested on Windows XP, 7 and Linux Ubuntu Iskra.
There is also universal ASIO driver Ploytec development, which supports this chip, and significantly improves the sound.


If with boards and installation still okay, in this case (in the series) I had been asked to pay amounts that differ in 5(!) again, 250-1300 rubles. There was a reasonable question – where to take money.

To take a loan is not an option, too much risk, given that such a market is Terra Incognita. Is no longer an option.

Before the arrival of Sobyanin in Moscow was widely deployed to support small businesses. With his arrival the situation has changed. When authorities decided to return it back, they had some problems with the adoption of legislative acts, and the announcement hanging on the website of the Department of Industry for six months. So, too, disappears.

And then had the idea to try to raise money by crowdfunding.As Habr I read almost daily for several years, I could not pass such an event as the first crowdfunding platform in the country. We have only one functioning website, and, after the passage of a series of quests, the project was placed there. Anyway, the beginning is better than to go directly to the stores. For the project, invented image, intended to attract non-geeks. As the amount of participation stated, of course, not "consumer" price of the device, but rather the minimum number for which you can produce something of such a small series and for the first time.

In the end, the party is not just "buying a sound card", and vote for the continuation of the activity: collecting money on a trial batch, I can start working with the engineers to improve decisions or to think about the release of other devices.

Philosophy, insights, opinions

After the launch of the project, of course, wanted to talk about the project to people on the Internet. After that, we made some interesting discoveries about the psychology of the Russian buyer.

  • the Meaning of models of collective sponsorship is not all clear. Letters came from those who is afraid of deception. Presumably, this is why many passed by.
  • the
  • Russian production is still considered by many to be obviously substandard. This is only a myth. We have quite a responsible manufacturer. The level of technology, of course, lags, but it is enough for most tasks. Of course, if you are not going to engage in the production of CPUs.
  • the
  • the Consumer believes that with the decrease in value not decreases the quality. And that, in apparently equal numbers of same and performance of the product.

As for the opportunities... we have to Produce only expensive and high quality. Because plastic and other things, focused on the non-professional user, things are bad, I came to an interesting decision. If it is impossible to make a product like all, perhaps, is focusing on the opportunities to use them plus? That is, to bring to market products that are based on industrial visual culture, but still hoping for home and office use? The benefit of such production capabilities, and element base in Russia is enough.
Again, at the forefront to raise the reliability. For example, in mass product price in 1 conventional unit is laid a life of 3 years and the product cost of 1.5 standard units will operate for 7 years or more. I propose to return to well forgotten old concept of production "with a conscience". Which, incidentally, was implemented in the described product.

Of course, in the future it is planned to implement new versions and new devices. With an eye on the reaction of the consumer, in the first place. It will lead to the fact that Russian production will be recognized and respected, at least by the population of the country, its producing.

If you are ready to start an independent activity, seek opportunities, corporate sponsorship can facilitate your tasks, and allows you start with minimal cost, at the level of buying average laptop. Although the culture of these industries is still in its infancy, this way you will hasten its coming. By joining this business now, today's engineers, entrepreneurs, start-up people will not the last people that will form the market.

Update. about the dimensions let me explain: the device exits the wire 1.5 meter.
Update 2. In the case of pre-order, you can choose the color and length of wire.
Article based on information from


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