The fall season PPPP: black MacBook for the best topic

Hello, you are our dear habrachelovek!

Am happy to report that our Federal Program of encouragement of Users (FPPP) associated company iProLab, ready to give you a laptop Apple MacBook Black. But, of course, is not just, and for high-quality, well-rounded original post on habré.

And be a prizewinner is not too difficult. To be awarded the author of the best topic for each month during the autumn of 2008. 1 October, 1 November and 1 December at 18:00 I will look at the page and contact the author of a topic, which scored the most votes from other users, and complies with the special rules FPP.

And here are the rules:
— the award is given to a user whose topic was the best at the end of one of the autumn months of 2008.
— the program involves only normal topics, topics-transfers and podcasts (i.e. not participating topics-references and questions. And even the Internal Voice does not participate!);
— the topic should be independent work of the author (texts, pictures, files from other sites do not participate);
— the topic must be original, that is, for the first time is published on Habre (thus the parallel publication in other place is allowed, not allowed to use only old texts from their blogs);
— the topic should not be a discussion of Habra, other projects "Thematic Media" and the company and the company iProLab;
— FPPP each participant can win only one laptop provided by the company iProLab;
— the program FPPP have no right to participate employees of the companies Themed Media and iProLab, their relatives, relatives of their relatives, and also their virtuals :)
— topic should become a leader is fair, i.e. no rounds, rules, cheating, using virtuals hidden and open vulnerabilities are not welcome. I'll be watching!

If the topic meets all the criteria, the author should expect a letter from the administration. Of course, the winner can give — and then we will give him a prize for the next in the ranking topic.

The results will be published in this blog.

By the way, we've already started ;) All topics published since September 01, 2008, 18:00, already participate in the program.

All the best to you, friend :)
Article based on information from


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