The history of the development of Tower Defense for Android and VC

Hello Habr, I want to share my experience in the development of first VC and then try the game.
Gamdevi have never tried, but a small excess time, as well as the desire to expand the scope of professional skills was the impetus to start developing.

After a brief hesitation decided to make a game in the Tower Defense genre mostly because I like the genre. The first prototype of the game was sketched the same day, the squares of the towers shoot circles on squares of the enemy. Well, the game is almost ready, I thought, left to screw the graphics, GUI and ponadelat levels, enemies and towers, but before that, we had to choose a platform.



It was decided to make VK-app, probably because I myself at the time was playing one of the popular VC game and seeing the numbers at over 5 million participants believed that the VC application is very popular. As well as the development of a VK application for me meant learning two new areas, a PHP backend and ActionScript (Flash) for the client. Downloaded the book by Colin Mook — ActionScript 3 and began learning. ActionScript was very simple to learn, the only thing that bothered me is the lack of sleep, but get used to it. PHP and the book went perfectly, probably because of its popularity, any change from Google to cheer with examples. with mySQL do not have problems because I with it was already familiar. In all our projects, we try to stick to the OOP paradigm, it is subsequently much easier life since the project was many times more voluminous than I had expected.

The basic structure of classes and the structure of the database was done quickly, then I was in their environment. Then was invented the types of towers (each with its own characteristics) and directly in Excel was designed by them. Very quickly I ran into the graphics, namely, GUI, maps, and sprites of towers and enemies. The first version of the GUI was found quickly, for a perfect fit all the known Tiled, but what to do with the rest I didn't know where to get the sprites for the towers and enemies. In connection with the ability to draw and lack of a sense of taste, about how to do it myself was out of the question. Eventually another tower I drew a wife, a couple where I skopipastil a little tweak for themselves, and another render in 3dmax free models which I came up. I'm so tired with these static sprites of towers that thinking about the sprites of enemies (which should be animated) I just give up. Fortunately I stumbled across a small prog CharCreator, it contained a huge amount of items to create animated characters.


When the issue of graphics has been solved I'm pretty much working on the balance. When the balance is almost all done on Habre the article was published just on this topic if it came earlier it would be greatly saved time. In General, the development lasted for more than a year. It was a hobby and doing them when I was in the mood and time, but it was less. But despite this small steps the game was brought to its first release and submitted for review.


Now unfortunately I can't find the option to show up, but obviously it was about the GUI, it was awful. It took over a month to alter the GUI and add instruction (without it, too did not publish). And at the end of 2014 the game was added to the directory VC. Over the next year the game was made a lot of improvements and fixes, new levels, system skills, and more. I did not make it their goal to earn on this app, but I guess everyone who has a hobby want to make it in addition to the moral satisfaction brought more and income. The purchase of game currency I do not, but is still tightened, revenues from advertising barely enough for hosting, but good reviews about the game to me was much more important and more expensive.


Porting to Unity

At the end of 2015 I thought about porting to Android. Pretty quickly mastered the basics of unity3d for lessons in what that article# in that time was I already at a high level, so it went. Code moved quickly, thanks to the PLO. Graphics had a little more complicated, because before, I used animation Flash. Many of the things in unity are very comfortable, but I in fact didn't use many chips that I had implemented myself in code. If I led the development on unity initially it would be faster than ActionScript, but I don't think much, because the main time as I have mentioned went in search of sprites.

Porting to unity was delayed as it became clear over 2 years of development (albeit sluggish) of the project became quite large, but exactly a year later I put a mobile version for the Android. But if the VC apps of this genre is not so much in "Google play" it just sunk in the other such and that is not unimportant higher-quality applications. Can't find it, and those who find spoiled bestsellers of this genre and of course to compete with them is difficult. Posted on 4pda and trashbox and posted a link from VC application, but the effect is quite weak.

Link to market



Summing up the developments I want to note that the purpose for which it all started fully achieved. Explored new-to-me region, mastered ActionScript, PHP and Unity3d.

The main conclusions I've made:

  • the development of the game it is fun and great for learning new environments and languages;
  • the
  • that in your app play motivated to improve it, but the reverse process is also present;
  • the
  • to make the game standing in the team should be the artist/designer;
  • the
  • to make the game this should be given this much time, must be either an original idea or great execution;
Article based on information from


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