The rating bestindigital

Leading market specialists in digital marketing have teamed up and jointly launched a special project bestindigital, which is the first time in the history of the Russian advertising has named the best players in the domestic market in the field of digital creativity.

Why is all this necessary? Comments Stepan Burlakov, one of the organizers of the rating:

All the existing ratings, such as tagline, cmsmagazine, ratingruneta, ruward, and others, appreciate anything except the most important — namely, the quality of work companies that provide creative services in the field of digital. For the client must be important to the quality of services and not, for example, the number of employees or annual turnover (that's certainly important stuff, but creativity and production is not technical, and creative businesses, the quality of which is not measured by business performance).

If to consider all the math, it turns out the company that made 1000 sites better than the one that made 50 (no matter what that 1000 stereotypical, narrow-minded decisions, the meaning of which is just quick sell that "hawala"), or, for example one that makes sites for Gazprom more professional than one that does website for kids online store, this is a very superficial opinion, has nothing to do with reality.

There is a problem that the client few organized players in the market, and unable to assess quality due to various reasons in the first place "he saw the best" to compare. He often turns for advice to others, among which also the majority of people "not in the subject, but knowing how they think everything." That's why we're doing this rating to carry out all the work on the analysis and study of the market for the best (and that bar is pretty high, especially for Russia, where thousands of companies of quality, by European standards, to name just a few, to be honest) all this is to collect and provide to the client.

Places in the ranking, it is not so much an indicator of the superiority of one company over another, but simply the opinion of experts that someone makes things more interesting, someone less, but all market participants as low quality contractors. In fact it is an analogue of any advertising of the festival, where the jury are recognized professionals, because their experience and talent rewarded at international and domestic festivals (and we have collected almost all the most renowned) of their work sufficiently known in the market. Well, who besides these people who have achieved in their profession a certain outcome (and this cannot be done without the taste, talent, experience and so on) can try to evaluate good or bad? That's right, none.

The rating certainly cannot be called an objective 100%, but that is the closest to the real situation on the market rating it is possible to assert with full confidence. Soon we are launching the category of Promotion, and also run 3 more countries: Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus.
Article based on information from


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