Torrent Updater is an Open Source OS X program for testing new versions .torrent files for popular torrents

Torrent Updater

A year ago I had a problem. The problem was that I tired to follow the release of new episodes of my favorite TV shows, download .torrent file from the tracker and put it on a jump. I wanted this thing to automate.

If there is a problem, it is necessary to solve it. Experience of development under OS X in Obj-c I was not, but had the time and desire to try.

Two weeks I spent in the study of the theory and another month to write the program. The program only worked with a tracker and wildly buggy. Originally I was going to put the source code on GitHub, but looking at the quality of the resulting code, change your mind. I barely could find the code anything. The program was uploaded on the same RuTracker, got a lot of good reviews, but a lot of bugs and requests. After two interim release fixed all the bugs, changed the graphics of the app (thanks to user olenyev forum and added a couple of functions.

Inexperience I was imagining a bunch of crutches and made a lot of mistakes:
  • the Username/password was stored in a regular plist file, not protected.
  • the
  • Most of the code was directly in the AppDelegate.
  • the
  • System updates worked like this: on your website I made a page, where just in plain text was written the number of the current release. The program compared this number with the release number of the running program, and if offered to go on to download the latest version of the program.
  • the
  • Variables everywhere is named differently.
  • the
  • there is No single style of code.

For almost a year I haven't been back to this project as Objective-C in General. Left with roots in web development, and didn't have time for the development of the program. And so nothing changed, if I have not written the man who thanked me for such a useful program. And then gently asked, is it possible to make support

I myself have been wanting to do support but lacked motivation. The code I didn't want to touch even with a long stick from a safe distance, but a grateful letter has awakened in me faith in humanity and I decided to rewrite everything from scratch.

Five days I worked, only did this project. Honestly wrote all from scratch, copy-paste the old code just a couple of times. Olenyev have drawn new graphics, I made a website on GitHub Pages. Still a month to test and fix bugs, and I'm ready to present their creation to the world.

That's what happened in the end:
  • In theory, support for 10.7 — 10.9 (in practice 10.7 — 10.8 were not tested, because few beta testers I have).
  • the
  • All settings trackers are .plist file => new trackers can be added for a minimal amount of time.
  • the
  • Code in my sugobo non-professional (in this area) opinion, readable.
  • the
  • update System using Sparkle framework.
  • the
  • Usernames/passwords are never entered or stored. Used Cookie Jar Safari browser.

some screenshots

Now I'm not ashamed to show the source of the world, you can see in GitHub repositories.
You can download the program at the official website of the project.
Article based on information from


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