Why on Habre so bad?

a Naked woman. Joke...We all know that last year for a project Habrahabr was heavy. Something goes wrong and is very concerned about jarosovaite.
This topic was written by me in contrast to the previous two (time and two). In Topeka alternative view of the situation prevailing on habré.


Somewhere about a year ago started to decrease the number of new posts per day. The exact cause of this phenomenon is difficult to explain. Just articles became less. I Wonder why?

The first reaction of the administration was expected to increase the distribution of the invites, ie, to attract new authors. This move restored the flow of articles. On habré there were newcomers, one of which was me.
After 3 months, the UFO stopped distributing invites in the sandbox. Also the expected move — a lot of newcomers, too bad. But then the administration made a mistake. It was assumed that newcomers will join the active life of the project and will join other authors, but it turned out that almost all of them leaked. I Wonder why?

The number of articles per day began to fall. The administration has correctly assessed the situation and made a bid for "hardened" the authors were introduced and the PPA program. 1st April, as you remember. It was a good move, but its effect is over in a few months. I Wonder why?

The next move of the administration was differentiation in the directions, i.e., the separation of user interests. Also theoretically a good move. Habr got a section "Events", new tape, and much more. But here, too, the administration miscalculated — innovations strengthened "void" on habré. I Wonder why?

The number of new articles started to fall and, worse, began to fall the quality of articles. The project began to lose the interest of visitors. This "hole" administration closed articles from the sandbox — daily maintaining the figure of 50 new articles. Bad move, but otherwise not. There was no choice. I Wonder why?

The latest innovation is the increase in the level of karma required to vote. The course is relatively good, but met a misunderstanding on the part of jarosovska. I Wonder why?

I Wonder why?

A lot of questions, so let's take a begin to search for answers.

Why a year ago, started to decrease the number of articles per day?
Reason: Habr "grown up." The project flourished, survived raids shkoloty and "dark Lord". It remained more or less serious people, who had much to write. Began a period of "calm".
Many people know what "lull" is normal for long-running social projects.

Why the fate of newcomers on habré so sad? Why are they in flight?
Two reasons — the inability to write, as is customary in Habra and karma.
Write at a level with the old not everyone succeeds, and improvisation in most cases perceived negatively. While on this project, too many taboo subjects, which newbies don't know.
About karma a lot to say it. To score 5 points, to write an article difficult and to get out of the disadvantage is almost impossible. I checked.

Why the PAP did not last long?
The answer is simple: good writers are ready to write, turned on Habre enough. These authors are unable to provide the required number of articles a day.

Why the separation of interests had no effect?
In the end, it turned out that specialists in certain areas almost none. Turned the opposite effect — the blogging part at all become extinct.

Why jarosovaite negatively perceived change in the required level of karma for voting?
Now to gain positive voice has become much more difficult and a lot of people lost the opportunity to vote, i.e. to influence the course of events.

And if you think about...

Above I gave a good explanation of what is happening on habré, but something is still wrong. I very long searched for that "something".

Intuitively I suspect that it is not karma, as there are many projects with a karma/rating/feedback in one form or another, but on habré going on is a disgrace. It is happening, is happening, but why?
Besides, it is unclear why the authors a little, because they have karma must be better than everyone else.

While I was looking for the truth, I have merged (I hate paranoid wikileaks). I stopped writing comments and began to communicate more with people via private messages and answer q/a. The people with whom I had to communicate were different. Someone I wrote letters of gratitude to someone criticisms, and someone letters of support.
Over time, I noticed that many of the authors whom I wrote letters of support, go with Habra. The reason they called is simple: "my articles there is no love", "I'm tired of pouring shit", "leaked karma, so my articles do not need them", etc.
* Under the "care with Habra" I mean cessation of activity — no comment, a rare visit, no new articles for a very long period.

Again, a reason POPs up the infamous karma.

The revelation came by accident. There was one case which suggested why these troubles occur.

One day I read a very good article about PHP injection. Wrote an article a beginner. I wrote the author a letter of thanks (vote I couldn't) and with quiet soul have kept the article.
It took several hours. Browse the new articles and see the article about injections odabrana, the author merged. You begin to understand why it happened.
In one of the first reviews I read (sample content as the original, we will not see it):
"Worthless article. PHP in the vast majority put on Unix systems and in Unix PHP-injections do not work".
The comment nearly a hundred pros...
In the end, the author removed the article in drafts and a week did not appear on habré. Then I lost contact.

a Small digression: in PHP-injection function in Unix systems.

Now imagine what the author — to know that you're 100% right, but to be "mixed shit" for this knowledge.

I was then much was revealed. I started to pay attention to such "holes in knowledge" habrovky. And they turned out to be very much, incredibly much. I realized that the problem is not karma, not UFOs, not innovations...
The problem karosaite it numbly... Yes, Yes, numbly. Habr 90% (and maybe more) consists of badlocation with high self-esteem. They have a little power in the form of anonymity and karma. And they use this power — "crush" all who are smarter than they are.

In this light, everything looks different.
Good authors don't want to write articles for a society that does not understand them. They will leave until the situation on habré will not change.

War mill

Many see that Abram something wrong and don't want to put up with it.

Today comrades Begetan and shaida has attempted such a struggle. One against changing the required level of karma for voting for another increase in the number of distributing invites. In my opinion, it is an empty struggle with illusory problems. Complete criticism will not lead (readers probably already tired).
My rebuttal is simple:
  • Change the required level of karma for voting good measure. Active users will sooner or later gain +15 karma and everything will come in its place. But writing articles need +5 karma still. Think about it. It's like if you were allowed to write articles at -5 karma. In the future, this measure will lower the karma threshold required for writing.
  • the
  • Increased the distribution of the invites is a bad measure. The best bet do to good writers and new people in their majority are not. The influx of "new blood" sprays potential Habra, worsening the quality of articles.
  • And that's just today's "calls". But I think we all remember double habrovice, zagnuvshiysya project Dilesoft and many others.

    Did the shuffling of karma and changing the rules of the "game" will change the mindset of the community that does not understand the nature of the problem? No it won't. This is a "war on windmills".

    What to do?

    We all want the best Habro again he was filled with interesting people, topics, controversial decisions. But how to achieve this?

    First, stop trying to "fight with windmills". We put our hand on the evidence on disputes in the initially empty protests. We constantly go away from the essence of the problem by hiding their incompetence. We need to stop doing that.
    Second, treat authors well. Yes, there are bad articles, bad questions. We may be wrong. But even worse, when driven by the internal self-righteousness, You are misrepresenting the facts. Remember that You can make mistakes and not be afraid to admit it.

    What else?
    From myself I recommend to forget about the " - " button. Put only the pros.
    And the administration recommend to focus on the motivation of authors in writing articles. There are many ways of motivation besides money — more individual opportunities, awards, competitions, etc.

    And finally — thank you!
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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