Nigma learned how to draw graphics

Not all chemists a beautiful formula to draw, it's a holiday and mathematicians.
Now Nigma draws beautiful graphs, and even conducts their study.

In the study of functions Nigma
  1. finds the area of allowable values.
  2. the
  3. finds the intersection with the axes of abscissa and ordinate;
  4. the
  5. check function for even/odd;
  6. the
  7. checks for the frequency and finds the company;
  8. the
  9. finds the limits at discontinuity points of the function limits from the left and right to the point, the behavior of a function at infinity and inclined asymptotes of a function;
  10. the
  11. calculates the derivative, roots of the derivative, intervals of increasing/decreasing functions;
  12. the
  13. find the global maximum/minimum of a function;
  14. the
  15. builds the schedule;

Significant difference from their Western counterparts is the fact that Nigma graphs based on the data obtained in the study of functions.
In this case, the graphs show possible break points and asymptotes.
Compare, for example, the graph y=sin(x)/x Nigma and tungsten.

Victor Lavrenko, head of the team "Today we have launched beta version, but by September we plan to make the study of functions is more detailed to incorporate three-dimensional graphics and graphics for parametric functions, implicit functions, graphical solution of inequalities and systems of equations. New features will be useful not only to students but also to students of technical specialties".

Mathematical system was launched in October 2008.
Then the developers have taught the system to solve equations and systems of equations, simplify expressions, solve problems using thousands of different variables and constants, etc.
Since the launch of Nigma mathematics is constantly evolving: the developers added solution to equations and to simplify expressions, as well as improve the system of recognition of a user request.
In December 2009, to the already existing wide list of features was added to the solution of problems for which it is necessary to define the region of acceptable values (IDS), the calculation of integrals and derivatives.
Article based on information from


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