NoName Podcast S04E05

Instead of joining

Podcast was released late because we were waiting for when I get a microphone. At the time of writing it did not give, so I hear is not very good, the conclusions made, their mistakes will not be repeated.
Mysteriously disappeared with Habra "podcast", so listen to us on rpod-e.


Released Rails 3.0.12, 3.1.4, 3.2.2
Comrade Constantine, About time and about himself. By the way, referred in an interview to the book "Sinatra: Up and Running" is also very personal. Can be recommended as an academic guide for those wishing to understand how to prepare for ruby web(and so on)-middleware and all that.
Deploy in Heroku
March 4 has been updated on Github, associated massive vulnerabilities at this website
March 6 came Vagrant version 1.0
March 7 came out Bundler 1.1
Lightrail — easiest rails stack for json applications
Ruby 2.0 Enumerable::Lazy — a service similar to


full text search System

Sphinx — system full-text search from Andrey Aksenov
Full Text Search in Postgresql — system full-text search is built into Postgresql.
Solr — full-text search engine from Apache Foundation
Lucene — protectora search engine from the Apache Foundation

Tearing the veil from Ivan Samson

Profile Ivan on My Lap
Profile Ivan on LinkedIn
Twitter Ivan
Wheely the company, which now runs the Ivan
Humanities — and here Ivan is now studying

Contacts RubyNoName podcast

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