Web Evolution (Part 1: Interface)

After reading some articles on Habre to the theme of "the future..." WEB 3.0, the Next step of the world wide web (part 1), the Future of social networking, the Golden age of Silicon valley is over and we're dancing on her grave, and also — related to the topic of copyright the geeks, industry, mass art, and how copyright killed classical music, Startup Unglue.it frees the book from the copyright via crowdfunding, decided to provide habersaathstr a series of articles about Web 3.0. In these articles I will try as much detail as possible to outline his vision for quick the future of the Internet. Why I decided to write about the future? Because I think that thoughts gleaned from reading I have gathered into a single coherent concept, augmented by personal considerations, will be useful also to others, especially those who want to go in the future, to conquer IT-the market, not to deal with the fact that tomorrow will be useless. What is here referred to the theme copyright? In my opinion, it is the concept of Web 2.0 to fully destroy the existing scheme of copyright protection and the concept of Web 3.0 will solve the problem of copyright in the most unexpected way. But about it in following articles. Now pay attention to the subject of Web 3.0.
Hybrid OS, browser, and social network or dances with a tambourine around "search". Web browsers are perfectly coped with the tasks Web 1.0 (for which they were created), in Web 2.0 they already look crooked and make it difficult for designers and programmers ("war of browsers"), but Web 3.0 will completely destroy them in that quality in which we are accustomed to see them (Will Web 3.0 Bring the End of the Web Browser?). The site interface will increasingly borrow from the browser and the Operating system. Technologies like these — AeroWindow plugin for jQuery. Creating Windows style Windows Aero, ContextMenu plugin, Mozilla-Aurora will be ubiquitous. Window, panel, start, the desktop, creating shortcuts and dragging them on the work surface, history, bookmarks, etc. — all this will be available on the website. Document editing, cloud storage, programming, design, video and photo... All or almost all the functions of browser and OS will be implemented on the web. A separate website based on the technology of Web 3.0, will actually replace the browser and OS. Why in this case to launch a browser to go to just one website? There is a concept of browser-site or, to be exact — browser-social networking (google chrome — a similar concept, the only difference is that while Google can attract the visitor's attention only to the search engine, maps or translator, but are unable to teach your visitors to use initially, Google+, and then the rest can teach the visitor to put g+ instead of "like"). Facebook in the near (?) time start "the search" (Facebook Delves Deeper Into Search). Is it hard to find information on social networks? Yes, they are for and created — to make it easier to find information and people. "Search" is needed to search for information outside the network, monitoring information on websites and in other networks (in fact, to become noticeable the fact that in social networks, especially of large, profiled information search to become harder). If facebook so I understand the concept of search — the browser from facebook will become the most popular browser in the world. And for Google it — misericorde (mercy death after a few years of agony). The original decision in this area was able to take Microsoft to realize the concept of "social" search (New Bing calls on Facebook and Twitter to beat Google's Search Plus Your World (hands-on)) and search-the social network (So.cl), which, after several reincarnations, became available for a wide range of Microsoft has launched "search" the social network. Who controls the search controls the Web. The most popular websites of the Web 1.0 era (I will look at XX century in this article) was yahoo.com, google.com, yandex.ru. The most popular Web 2.0 — Facebook.com. All true at the time. Was formerly the actual search sites. Now search through social networks. And yet the subject of "search" and topics merge Web and OS I'd like to dedicate one of these articles. Continue.
Kill the mouse. Sometimes I remember Dating a teacher. During his first lesson he is telling the two commandments of computer science: "Misha for my tail... I sekati hands on clavam not granati". This wish to us very amused class. But, IT-sphere is not a place for nostalgia. Mouse and standard keyboard less meet the needs of the user. And, sadly, the mice must be destroyed. Sites Web 3.0 will focus on management, primarily using the touch panel (the screen itself is a tablet, smartphone, or a separate touch pad, or two touch panels). The concept of the laptop for surfing Web 3.0 is a laptop with two touch panels (or a single touch panel and a normal monitor): one acts as a screen, the second control panel. The panel is customizable. You can bring up the keyboard, touch pad, make the panel mirrored screen, drag the window to drag the icon to the panel and through the panel. And I'm not talking about the distant future. I write only about the technologies and concepts that will be involved in the next year or two. Why I did not mention about the technology Touché like this? For the same reason. Some technologies are ahead of time and the needs of the people. And similar technologies will gain relevance in the framework of the concept of the Web 4.0.
What is written on the fence. we All know the pull of young talent to give your free of charge gems on fences and walls of residential (and nonresidential) buildings. It is a syndrome "the ancient artist", which had not so much freedom in creativity. One of the few such freedoms, the rock carvings. And you know — what through a narrow tube the water flows with more power. Well, enough history. So, in a Web environment, the syndrome of "ancient artist" manifests itself in an unquenchable thirst to review. And the climax of apotheosis — Wikipedia. The website with the possibility of editing any text ("Truth in Numbers?"). But what's next? Web 3.0 will offer the VA the opportunity to edit (add, delete, mark with a marker, leave a comment in the text, after text, insert the epigraph, to change the name, fix bugs, write a message to the author) of any text on any website (Web 3.0). Of course, these fixes and vandalism assaults will be visible only to the author of the text, which will make the decision on the implementation of changes or block spam. However, what is most interesting and probably the best part for some is the fact that the changes will all be saved for someone who made them regardless of the wishes of the author of the text. So, some "fence" will be clear and others covered. But it will be the same "fence".
And you don't have the same effect, only without wings?You do not like the website design? You are tired of blue? (I don't think that one all the designers are obsessed with blue?) You hate sharp corners and straight lines? In Web 3.0 this will not be a problem. You will be able to construct an individual a single design, which will display all sites or to appoint a separate design for each page or site. Of course for this you don't need to know HTML and CSS. If you are not satisfied that the message POPs up in the lower left corner — you can make anytime convenient place. You need a cap or not — you decide! Want everything in black or white on white — please )). Designers of course will be not enthusiastic about such innovations. To be honest, in the era of Web 3.0 we will with you the collapse of the labor market in the field of Web-programming and Web-design. What will become of the shoemakers-craftsmen from the city of N, if the city will build a Shoe factory? All of them will be hired as work, rest is waiting for requalification. In detail their views on this topic, I will explain later.
Friend. the Interface is extremely friendly and adapts to the needs of the user. And all this will happen automatically. This is the context interface. Web 3.0 will remember your choice, your tastes, your interests. You will offer a program, taking into account your needs, search will be configured to your needs. All people are different. One easy to navigate in the web environment, others difficult. One necessary function of the design changes and the other it is not needed. That's the whole point of Web 3.0 — it's always like you want to see in the moment. If you are not willing to use his ability — he'll do anything for you, but unnoticed.
There is a belief that Web 3.0 will destroy the concept of privacy, fully open society privacy rights. But I think it will not. Web 3.0 on the contrary — will have the function of anonymity. Advertising companies and intelligence agencies will get you on minimal information. Web 3.0 will protect privacy rights. The company, which will transfer data to "third parties" will not be popular. But more about that in the next series. And remember — the future will be what we want to see and make.
Soon I promise to publish the sequel:
- Semantic Web the
- Web 1 --> Web 2 --> Web 3 --> Web 4 (history and consequences) the
- Web 3.0 Technologies
- Web OS the
- Intelligent Web
- the Internet without ads
- Status of democracy and corporatocracy the
- Electronic currency the
- Social network has to die the
- Anonymity the
- Who will own the Internet? the
- Web 5.0 virtual reality or bio-CPU? the
- And more...
the collapse of the Web of the labor market the
what about copyright? the
What is a search? the
Will be published to those topics which will speak to readers. Apology! Add to the comment your wishes for the next publication. Thank you for your patience.
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